Capacity Additions Drive India’s Solar Power Generation Up 18% in 2024

Solar generation rose 28.4% YoY to 34.2 BU in Q4 2024


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India’s solar power generation rose nearly 18% year-over-year (YoY) to 133.8 billion units (BU) in 2024 from 113.4 BU, according to data published by the Central Electricity Authority (CEA).

In the first nine months (9M) of the calendar year 2024, the country added 16.4 GW of solar capacity, up 167% YoY from 6.2 GW. The commissioning of several previously delayed projects due to the fall in module prices drove capacity additions in 9M 2024. The installations exceeded the first nine months and annual capacity additions of all previous years, leading to a significant rise in solar generation in 2024.

Solar power generation during the fourth quarter (Q4) of 2024 was 34.2 BU, a 28.4% increase YoY from 26.6 BU.

The northern region generated the highest solar power during the quarter, with 13.8 BU, accounting for 40.3%. The southern and western regions followed with 10.9 BU and 9.04 BU, accounting for 32% and 26.4%, respectively. The eastern and northeastern regions generated 362.5 BU and 85.9 BU, accounting for 1.1% and 0.3%, respectively.

Rajasthan remained India’s leading solar power-producing state, generating 11.8 BU, followed by Gujarat and Karnataka, which generated 4.7 BU and 3.7 BU, respectively.

Solar generation in Rajasthan, Gujarat, and Karnataka rose 3.7%, 20% and 11.1% respectively.

Rajasthan had a cumulative installed solar power capacity of 21.7 GW at the end of Q3 2024, accounting for 24.4% of India’s total solar capacity. Gujarat followed with 14.8 GW, accounting for 16.6%.

India’s installed solar capacity rose 10.5% QoQ and 57.2% YoY at the end of December 2024, according to the data from CEA, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), and Mercom’s India Solar Project Tracker. Solar photovoltaic projects comprised 21.2% of India’s installed power capacity.

Mercom’s India Solar Project Tracker provides access to the most comprehensive database of large-scale solar projects covering commissioned and under-development projects.


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