India Auctioned 6 GW of Solar Projects in July 2018

More projects were auctioned in July than all of the auctions in the first half of the year


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The month of July saw the highest auction activity in the year so far with 6 GW of solar projects auctioned. The auctioned capacity was more than all of the solar projects auctioned in the first six months of 2018.

In contrast, only around 800 MW of solar projects were tendered in July 2018, according to Mercom’s India Solar Tender Tracker. This was the lowest capacity tendered in a month in 2018.

Through June 2018, over 30 GW of solar projects have been tendered. More than half of this capacity was tendered in May (10 GW) and June (7 GW).

According to the tender trajectory issued by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), approximately 30 GW is expected to be tendered in FY 2018-19. Approximately 20 GW has already been tendered.

Tender and auction activity might slow down in August due to the recent safeguard duty announcement.

India Auctioned 6 GW of Solar Projects in July 2018

Major Tenders in July

The Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Development Agency (UPNEDA) retendered 500 MW of grid-connected solar photovoltaic (PV) capacity after annulling the 1 GW auction recently.

The Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Limited (KREDL) has issued a tender for the development of 150 MW (50 MW x 3 blocks) of grid connected solar projects at Pavagada Solar Park, located in Tumkur district of Karnataka.

 Major Auctions

Aditya Birla Renewables won a Grid Corporation of Odisha (GRIDCO) auction to develop 200 MW of grid-connected solar PV in Odisha by quoting the lowest (L1) tariff of ₹2.79 (~$0.0406)/kWh.

The Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) auctioned 3 GW of Interstate Transmission System (ISTS)-connected solar in which ACME emerged as the lowest (L1) bidder by quoting a tariff of ₹2.44 (~$0.0355)/kWh to develop 600 MW.

SECI also auctioned 750 MW of grid-connected solar capacity to be developed at the Kadapa Solar Park in the state of Andhra Pradesh.  SB Energy and Sprng Soura Kiran Vidyut quoted the L1 tariff ₹2.70 (~$0.039)/kWh.

The Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Development Agency (UPNEDA) auctioned 1,000 MW of solar projects in which ₹3.48 (~$0.050)/kWh emerged as the lowest (L1) tariff quoted by the developers. UPNEDA later cancelled the auction citing that tariffs were too high and later retendered 500 MW of it.



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